Episode 2: Our Very First Swinger Date

messy fucking bed

We discuss “the date” that started our lifestyle journey.  

We had three weeks to plan for the “big event”. Three weeks from the dinner date with our friends – when we realized they were swingers, and they wanted us to join them – until we went on the actual swinger date itself.  In this episode we talk about what we did to prepare for our very first swinger experience and laugh about what happened and what we did when things didn’t quite go exactly as we planned!  

“If they’re dropping in from nowhere before we even KNOW that we’re swingers, just think about what happens when we’re actually trying!”

~ Myrina & Tristan, Episode 2, 41:35

Our First Swinger Date Did Not Go As Planned

The Countdown

We had three weeks to plan for the “big event”. Three weeks from the dinner date with our friends – when we realized they were swingers, and they wanted us to join them – until we went on the actual swinger date itself. It seemed like the longest three weeks of our lives!![read more]

The first week, I was out of town in Virginia. Tristan and I talked and texted about our future date, excited about our upcoming adventure and the possibilities that lie ahead. To pass the time on the long drive back to Florida, I searched to find podcasts about Swinging. I was pleasantly, albeit somewhat naively, surprised at the number of podcasts about swinging, open marriages and non-monogamy. After reading a few posts, I chose to listen to the “We Gotta Thing” podcast. It features Mr. & Mrs. Jones, a married couple, about our age, who started swinging a few years ago. I listened non-stop for 7 hours. Excited, thrilled and incredibly turned on by their stories, I fantasized about the journey we had ahead of us.

Over the next two weeks, Tristan and I spent intimate evenings together talking about our decision to shift into a non-monogamous marriage and listening to more lifestyle podcasts. We envisioned what a relationship with our swinging neighbors would look like. Listening to stories that described how difficult it is to find a couple where all four people are compatible, we laughed about how lucky we were to find such a couple (well, they found us!). The time Tristan and I spent together and the conversations about what lay ahead for us led to some hot and heavy nights for us!

The Big Event

After three weeks of excited anticipation, the day finally arrived!! We reserved a room with a king-size bed at a nice hotel on the beach for our special night. Tristan came home from work early; we headed off to the hotel to get settled, have a few adult beverages, and spend some time together before our friends arrived.

Our friends arrived (duffle bag of toys in tow). However, at dinner, one thing was glaringly obvious… the chemistry between Tristan and the wife had disappeared. I thought, hoped, that perhaps the connection was just “off” because she had been sick that week and once we returned to the room, all would be fine.

Upon our return to the hotel, we proceeded with the formalities. After all our podcast listening, I had a pseudo “checklist” of all the important things the podcasts had advised we discuss with other couples before playing started. We confirmed with our friends we were ready to play and reminded them we had never been with another couple. She began by telling us how much she enjoyed flogging and how much she loved her husband flogging her. She talked about the different things she wanted to try in BDSM. New to ALL of this, Tristan and I had no idea what she was even talking about! I immediately thought, “Oh God, this is not going to go well for Tristan.” I looked over at him; he had turned white as a sheet. I instantly knew he was thinking the exact same thing.

To save face, and hopefully Tristan, I reminded our friends, again, that we’d never had an experience like this before. Clearly more experienced and at a level far beyond us. “We do not have to do this tonight.” I offered. She turned, clapped her hands (as if using The Clapper to turn on the lights) and said, “Nope, let’s do this!”. She turned to Tristan and began kissing him and unbuttoning his shirt.


The husband and I kissed and got undressed. Tristan and the wife did the same. I overheard her on the other side of the bed telling Tristan he didn’t “have to be so gentle” and she “would not break”.

The husband, at his wife’s suggestion, unzipped the duffle bag of toys and broke out The Magic Wand… the powerful plug-in version… and began using it on me. Ordinarily, I’m not a big fan of using toys during sex; it’s just not part of my personal process. And I wasn’t quite sure that I wanted to use toys during my very first swinging adventure. But the moment he touched that vibrator to me–holy shit! A shock wave blasted through my entire body, my eyes rolled back into my head, I turned bright red from head to toe (I may have lost consciousness for a moment), and I orgasmed almost immediately. It was intense.

On the other side of the bed, Tristan and the wife started to play with toys as well. Tristan got a pussy pump to use. (To this day I’m still not even sure how it works… I’m not sure that he does either!) Then the Magic Wand. Maybe even a dildo. Again, very mechanical and not very sexy or sensual.

The Main Event

Now that our play with the Magic Wand was over, I was eager to finally have sex with this man that wasn’t my husband, that I’d been flirty with for over two years, and that I had a sexual connection with. The time had come.

He asked me if I trusted him. I said yes. He then asked me if I would wear a blindfold. I thought that was strange, but I said yes. He positioned me to sit on the edge of the side of the bed; where he could stand facing me. He put the blindfold over my eyes and laid me back. He left me there for a moment. I couldn’t see, but I could hear him return, positioning himself in between my legs. He had put lube on his hand and gently rubbed it on my pussy and then he began to fuck me. I immediately realized this was not him; this was not human. This was plastic. A dildo. He was fucking me with a dildo.

Not that it didn’t feel good. It did.

Not that it wasn’t hot. It was.

Not that I wasn’t excited. I was.

But it wasn’t him.

He again took the Magic Wand and used it on me while he fucked me with the dildo. Tristan came over and began sucking my nipples. It was incredible, and I came again. (Which was new for me. I was usually a “one & done” girl.) He removed the blindfold. I was euphoric yet disappointed, all in one. I brushed it aside, however, thinking this was just his process and we would actually, physically, fuck later.

Meanwhile, Tristan and the wife were playing, and she began to give Tristan a blow job. I told the husband it was his turn. He got on the bed, and I gave him a blow job. He came. Tristan came.

In many podcasts episodes, we heard stories about having a “round one” and then a “round two” of play. You finish round one and take a break. Perhaps get a snack. Fix yourself a drink. Chat for a while. Once everyone has recovered, play begins again. That night, after both men came, after we all caught our breath, the wife stood up… and put on her clothes. The husband stood up… and put on his clothes. Tristan and I looked at each other, and for lack of knowing what to do or say, we stood up… and put on our clothes. They cleaned up, packed up their toy bag, then left. That was it; it was over.

Now What

Tristan and I stood in the hotel room, shocked and a little stunned. We looked at each other, started laughing and said to each other, “That was terrible. Let’s do that AGAIN! But better!”

We poured ourselves a drink, got a snack, stripped out of our clothes, sat naked on the bed, opened the laptop and created our first profile to post on one of the Swinger websites. We were officially… Swingers.

Thank you for joining us… we’re glad you’re here! [/read]

4 thoughts on “Episode 2: Our Very First Swinger Date

  1. bud gibbs says:

    Not really a “bad” 1st.! Just not good! What’s really good is you did it, didn’t like parts of it & planned to make adjustments, together, like real swingers, for the next time. I’d love to hear about the “next” time!

    • Myrina says:

      LOL – yes, you are right, we did it! And loved it! In episode 4 we’ll be talking about deciding to play with couples and/or singles as well as the story when we attended our very first swinger event at an area nudist resort … THAT was an interesting evening!

  2. Doug says:

    You made mention of earlier instances of things; Myrina had “adventures” in college, there was some exhibitionism in front of another person/couple. Would love to here more about those types of things.

    • Myrina says:

      Hi! YES!!! (we love the stories too! 🙂 We are in the middle of prepping Episode 4 … it should be published in about a week. (If you subscribe to the podcast through your favorite podcast platform, you’ll be notified when the new episodes are released; or follow us on Instagram, we’ll announce it there as well!)

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