Episode 26: Exploring Sexual Boundaries

Myrina and Tristan get naked.

Almost a year into their adventures, Myrina and Tristan begin, what will turn out to be, a pivotal time in their lifestyle journey. Unbeknownst to them, the couple is beginning a period of exploration and starting to push their limits and sexual boundaries. 

The first in the Exploring Sexual Boundaries episodes, Myrina and Tristan give a local clothing-optional resort another chance where Myrina meets a great single guy and steps out of her comfort zone … but mother nature has other ideas. Plan B leads to the realization that Myrina might be more of an exhibitionist than she knew!

Keeping up with The Accidental Swingers

1 thoughts on “Episode 26: Exploring Sexual Boundaries

  1. Dave says:

    Again, wonderful episode. Congratulations on having established yourselves as leaders in the LS community.
    Since I can’t resist a play on words, and you might remember my comment on how you said that the single men “filled a hole” for you on that vagina, I mean Virginia trip. In this episode you said, when you came out of the ladies room you “pulled the plug” and told the nice man that the rules of play had to be modified. Assuming you use tampons, …. Does this sense of humor make me a nerd? Or maybe just weird.
    And, I loved the continuing theme about how daring you were going without a bra.
    As you can see I am way behind your current episodes and that is partly because having a few episodes to look forward to is like money in the bank. Keep doing what you’re doing.
    Curious Dave

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