Episode 19: BONUS EPISODE: Accidental Swingers After Party

Let the party begin…

In May of 2021, Myrina and Tristan decided to start recording, what they call, “After Party Episodes”. Recorded after a party or event(ful) weekend, After Party episodes chronicle what Myrina and Tristan are doing “right now” – as they emerge from their Covid-induced hibernation and begin swinging again. 

These raw and largely unedited episodes are typically posted within 24 hours of recording and are available as a Thank You to listeners who donate to help support the Accidental Swingers podcast. 

We are making the first After Party episode available to ALL listeners as a Thank You to you as well! (Visit our website for more information on how to support our podcast and get access to all the After Party bonuses!) 

Keeping up with The Accidental Swingers

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